Another quick visit to the park, found a few interesting things like these eggs. Had posted them on line but got nothing back to say what they might be. Thinking about it later in the month I have found some Parent Sheildbugs on Alder trees so they could be them.
Later on in the month I went back to find them but couldn't remember which tree they were on to take another look!
Common carder bumblebee
(Bombus pascuorum)
Himalayan balsam
(Impatiens glandulifera)
Honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Snipe fly (Rhagionidae)
This years young
Common toads are amphibians, breeding in ponds during the spring and spending much of the rest of the year feeding in woodland, gardens, hedgerows and tussocky grassland. They are famous for their mass migrations back to their breeding ponds on the first warm, damp evenings of the year, often around St. Valentine's Day.
Common toads tend to breed in larger, deeper ponds than common frogs, but still frequent gardens. They hibernate over winter, often under log piles, stones or even in old flower pots!
I have been in touch with "Friends of Nunroyd Park" to ask if they will stop using weedkiller in the area were the Toads are.
Hope they stop using it altogether.
Marmalade Hoverfly
(Episyrphus balteatus)
This colourful little insect is one of many species of hoverfly that occur in the UK and is one of the few with an English name in common usage.
The marmalade hoverfly is a common visitor to gardens where it nectars on flat-topped flowers and rests on vegetation. There is often an influx of them from the continent and at such times large gatherings may form.
It is a small, orange and black banded hoverfly and is widespread and very common. Hoverflies are useful insects to encourage in your garden as most species, including this one, feed on aphids.
Interesting Blackberry Facts:
100 grams of blackberries contain only 43 calories. 100 grams of whole blackberries contains 14% of the recommended daily intake of fiber in one's diet. Blackberries are very high in antioxidants which are known to protect against inflammation, cancer, neurological diseases and aging.
Red-legged Shieldbug
Pentatoma rufipes
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