Platypalpus sp predating a Hilara sp


Posted this photo on Facebook as I wanted to know what was going on, so cross they came out blurred. 

At first we thought it might be a male? or if the small fly had predated the larger fly, moved the photo onto UK Diptera page.

"It certainly looks like it. They both look like empids (Empididae - ) - they predate other flies (including other empids)" 

"It is quite possible that it is just that and that he is just grabbing a female prior to mating. They do predate each other as well, however, which is why you would probably get better information on the UK Diptera page". (Tanya)

"That would be impressive, but I think the Platypalpus is an opportunist that has happend on the disgarded prey of something else - the thorax has a great hole in it - too big for the Platypalpus to have made." (Ryan)

Empididae - Dagger flies

True flies (order Diptera) are an immense group with over 100,000 known species. They all have their hind pair of wings reduced to pin-shaped structures called halteres which act as gyroscopes to maintain balance in flight. Most feed on liquids, including nectar and blood.


Platypalpus is a genus of hybotid flies. It is worldwide in distribution, but best represented in Europe, with over 200 species.There are at least 580 described species in Platypalpus worldwide.

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