On this day 22 June 2021



Another walk round the park to see what's about, things can change daily and sometimes you have to be in the right place at the right time. 

How many spiderlings can a spider have? Depending on the species, spiders lay between two and one thousand spiderlings. Spiders can lay eggs that turn into spiderlings by the hundreds at one time. Therididae spiders can deposit over two-hundred eggs in their sac, laying nine egg parcels with many fertilizations. When it comes to how many spiderlings can a spider have, typically, females affix these sacs in their web or tote them around physically until they turn into spiderlings. (LINK)


Insect eggs.

Still have not managed to find out who these eggs belong to.

Insect eggs

Cleavers (Gallium aparine)

Cleavers (Galium aparine), with its characteristic ‘sticky’ seeds, is easily introduced to gardens from uncultivated land and can become a nuisance in beds and borders.

Cleavers can be a good addition to a wildlife garden, as it provides food for the caterpillars of many butterfly and moth species, including the impressive hummingbird hawk moth. 

Common Orange Legionnaire (Beris vallata)

species of soldier fly.

There are 6 British species in the Beris genus and these can usually be distinguished by the combination of abdomen and leg colours

Common Orange Legionnaire (Beris vallata)

Snipe fly (Rhagio scolopaceus)

Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica)

The Bronze shield bug can often be found feeding on Hedge woundwort.

Its Latin name Stachys means 'spike of flowers', and Sylvatica means 'of the forest'.

It is also known as Wood Woundwort, Hedge Nettle, Red Archangel, and Whitespot.

The London based herbalist John Gerard would use Hedge Woundwort to treat injuries received in pub brawls during the 1600's.

Hedge Woundwort is an erect perennial plant that can grow up to a metre in height and forms patches in shady places beside hedges and on woodland edges. ... There is an unpleasant smell associated with this plant, and it is particularly strong and pungent if the stems or the leaves are crushed.

Large Skipper butterfly (Ochlodes sylvanus) First for 2021 


Flies on Timothy grass (Phleum pratense)

Plant bug (Deraeocoris flavilinea)

Plant bug (Deraeocoris flavilinea)

Red-legged / Forest Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes)

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